No matter what your relationship with your own state of health and fitness is (yoga guru through to couch potato) Chelsey will provide you with tips, regimes and motivation. We look to find the best and latest information to help keep you fit and healthy.
The 8 Habits of Healthy Living
‘The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.’ ~Epicurus I don’t have health insurance, so I have a big investment in staying healthy. And so I did a little research today — I found the top causes of death, then... Read more about The 8 Habits of Healthy Living
Healthy Drinks
Nearly everyone needs to drink more water. Too often we are drinking highly sweetened teas and coffees from the coffee shop, soda from the grocery store, artificial fruit juice, and high fat milk. One of the most important parts of a whole foods... Read more about Healthy Drinks
Are You Working Out Too Much?
Over training is a serious health concern. It also damages your chances of seeing results. You might think, more exercise equals more results but that's not the case. Progress comes from rest. Muscles grow and repair while you recover.... Read more about Are You Working Out Too Much?
The Most Important Two Minutes of Your Life
Two minutes here and there rarely matter very much over the course of a day, a week, a lifetime. But there are two minutes you could spend, right now, that would have a huge impact on your life. I’ll save you the suspense: it’s... Read more about The Most Important Two Minutes of Your Life
The Importance of Eating Vegetables Daily
Since birth, you most likely have been told by your mother, your father, your grandma, your grandpa, and/or anyone in your life that cares about you the importance of eating vegetables. Sure, when you're a kid, you don't really think... Read more about The Importance of Eating Vegetables Daily
Organizing Strength Exercises
A personal trainer will organize your exercises to create an effective and logical weight lifting routine but if you want to create a program of your own, here are some tips to get started: 1. Bigger to smaller muscle groups Work the bigger... Read more about Organizing Strength Exercises
The Daily Checklist
‘A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.’ ~Anthony Trollope Here’s a problem worth solving: am I doing the thing I most need to be doing right now? How do you figure that... Read more about The Daily Checklist
Growing an Herb Garden
When you are focusing on a whole foods diet that consists of mostly produce with small amounts of meats and grains, adding flavor to your food is absolutely essential. Using a few fresh herbs and spices can take a salad or vegetable dish from... Read more about Growing an Herb Garden
How to Choose the Right Fitness Trainer For You
Choosing the right personal trainer is very important. To just pick up the phone and call the first trainer that popped up in a Google search, could end up being both a waste of time, and money. Personal training is a valuable service but it is... Read more about How to Choose the Right Fitness Trainer For You
How I Finally Faced My Weight & Debt Problems
There was a time when I was overweight, but didn’t want to admit it to myself. I didn’t feel in control of my health, because I couldn’t quit smoking or eat healthier for longer than a few days, nor exercise regularly. Thinking... Read more about How I Finally Faced My Weight & Debt Problems
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Endorsed Events
Secure your motivation for the year by locking in SpringBreak in Fiji, your own exclusive island
The Fijian Cup
The Pacific Touch Rugby festival (Fijian Cup and Kava Cup) is underway on November 2, 2017 and with support from Touch Fiji and...
From a fully chartered resort, an incredible line up of Kiwi musicians and Rock legends flown in you'll find nothing close to...
The ultimate 5 days & Nights in Paradise!